Handphone radiation and increase brain tumour amongst children
July 28, 2008 by
shananarocks I had just gotten a new 3G phone (without camera) and could feel my hands going numb while using it. Similarly, as I was left-handed, I could feel my left skull (above the ear) where my phone is located during use, feelING slightly numb while in use. Immediately I sense it could be adverse radiation.
Of course a check with the manufacturer website would certainly sprout its conformity to certain standards in its Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. However, in actual practise, perhaps the radiation could be much higher given the unwarranted usage and applications of 3G “Smart” phones.
I have been using a headphone set with my previous old phone but I am not so sure if I should do this with my new 3G “Smart” phone since I would be putting the phone into my trousers pocket near my family jewel and which could cook in real time! I hope the government could factor this while scratching their heads and wondering why the populations is declining.
If I were to put my 3G smartphone into my back pocket, I wonder if it would cook my kidneys too. No sure if there is a correlation between kidney failures and the increasing usage of 3G Smartphones. No worries, kidney sharing schemes could be in the process already. I may decide to put in near my outside thigh but so far not many clothing manufacturers have come up with these pockets for office wear.
So I spent the whole afternoon and evening educating two “still smart” kids about the danger of 3G Smartphones. Of course they were rather resentful since they are now addicted to the games and songs that comes with the mega memory of smartphones. Welcome to the “Always online” culture.
I would be showing them this website about the danger of increasing SAR intensity with more 3G smartphones into our environment. Maybe the pictures below is quite self-explanatory if you want to protect your kids before their skulls are thick enough to afford some protections.
Brain on Drugs? NO! These are brain pictures
of your kids while they talk on their cell phones!
Radiation Penetration
in head of adult |
Radiation Penetration in
head of 10 year old child |
Radiation Penetration in
head of 5 year old child |
link) – url: http://www.emf-health.com/children.htm
Anyway, I am quite glad that my son’s school is prohibiting them from using a mobile phone, at least during school hours.
So if your kid or especially your beloved baby is near you, do resist the attempt to let them use the mobile phone to talk to your dear ones, as your baby brain could be frying during those few precious minutes.
So take care